Monday, March 14, 2011


The Map of Surigao

          The City of Surigao is located at the northeasternmost tip of Mindanao Island in the Philippines and the capital of the province of Surigao del Norte, Philippines. It has a total land area of 245.34 km2 which is roughly 1.4% of Caraga Region. According to the 2007 census, 132,151 people live in the city. With an annual growth rate of 1.52%, it is the most densely populated urban area in the entire Caraga Region with 540 persons per square kilometer. Surigao is the oldest town in Mindanao, founded by the Spanish colonists in 1655 who named it Distrito de Caraga. It was a vital port town for transport of goods to neighboring islands in the archipelago. Today, Surigao is one of the most important seaports in Mindanao after Davao and Cagayan de Oro for gross registered tonnage handled. It is ranked consistently by the Asian Institute of Management as one of the most competitive cities in the Philippines with a total income of approx PP440 million pesos in 2009.

The People of Surigao

Surigao Dancers



          Surigao is home to one of the country's oldest and most colorful tribes, the Mamanwa. They are similar to the Negritoes of Luzon Island in features and stature. They are generally short, dark-skinned with a crop of short kinky hair. Forced to settle in the hinterlands due to development, they continued to practice their customs and traditions. The faith about “Kahimunan”, one of their many tribal festivities, highlights music and graceful dancing. Revelers chant and play while accompanied by native musical instruments including the gimbar (drum), gong and bamboo percussion called “Kalatong” and “Katik”. Wild pigs, chicken and indigenous fruits including the rare "Kayape" are among the offerings. A “Baylan”( priest) presides the celebration as a tribute and invocation to their god “Magbabaya” and departed ancestors for good health and abundant harvest.

           Mamanwas are also known for their creative patterns, brass jewelries and indigenous crafts, displayed proudly on their costumes as they fill the streets at the height of the Bonok Bonok Maradjao Karadjao Festival every September 9, celebrated on the occasion of the feast of San Nicolas de Tolentino, Surigao City's patron saint. “Bonok-bonok” and its prehistoric origins was another ritual to thank their gods, presided by various village chieftains and their wives. Happiness and friendship are expressed through dancing, chanting and singing. They wave scarves of “Banay” as symbols of goodwill, wealth and blessings for all tribal villages.
          Today, Mamanwas remain in the highland hinterlands and occasionally descend to sell or barter handicrafts and fresh harvests. Their numbers are unknown as groups still move constantly in search of budding greens. Bands still subsist on foraging even as their hunting and gathering lifestyle has changed over the years.
       Majority of the residents in the city and lowland areas originate from various ethnic groups around the country including Boholanos, Tagalogs, Ilonggos, Warays, Cebuanos, and other Visayan groups.

Brief  History of  Surigao City

The City of Surigao nestles along the northernmost tip of the Province of Surigao del Norte where mountains and hills are prominent indentions throughout the coast. It is bounded on the north and east by the Hinatuan Passage, on the west by the Surigao Strait, and on the south by Tagana-an.
The city has a land area of 245.34 square kilometers and a population of 35,855 inhabitants in 1970. It has an ideal port which is shielded by the Nonoc Islands. It is also connected with good roads to Butuan City in Agusan del Norte, and Lianga in Surigao del Sur.
Legendarily, the town of Surigao was a thriving settlement ruled by Chief Solibao. When the Spaniards came, they called the place “Surigao”. 

But during the arrival of early Christian missionaries in the province, it was better known as “Caraga,” from the name of its inhabitants – the “Caragas” of the Visayan stock – warlike, brave and ferocious.
The settlement of the early colonizers in Bilang-bilang harbor, where the present city is located, became ideal centers of trade, commerce and religion. The village had been transferred from one place to another. On June 29, 1655, Surigao became a town and by 1751, it was made the seat of the provincial government, after Caolo, the former provincial capital, was burned. Since then, town of Surigao became a center of Spanish political and ecclesiastical power in the region, rivaled only by Tandag on the southern coast of Surigao Province.

The town suffered severely from Muslim raids. In 1752, after the town was devastated, almost all of its 2,000 inhabitants were either killed or taken as slaves by the Muslims.
During World War II, on May 23, 1942, the Japanese Imperial Forces under Captain Yusee occupied Surigao. The local government was then managed by Mayor Amat. Later, after the American planes bombed Bilang-bilang harbor on September 9, 1944, the American troops and guerrilla units forced the Japanese forces to withdraw until Surigao was liberated on April 12, 1945.

In July 1945, the Philippine Civil Affairs Unit (PCAU) took over the local government, prior to the restoration of the administration to the local authorities. During the Commonwealth period, Protolico Egay was appointed by the guerrillas as governor of Surigao Province and Macario Diaz, who resumed his office on September 1, 1945, as mayor of the town of Surigao. He was succeeded by the guerrilla-appointed mayor, Juan Parrucho.
By virtue of Republic Act No. 2786, dated June 19, 1960, the old Province of Surigao was divided into Surigao del Sur and Surigao del Norte, with the Municipality of Surigao as the capital of the latter. Surigao became a chartered city under Republic Act No. 6134, which was approved on August 31, 1970.
Surigao City is noted for its proximity to the almost fathomless underwater gorge, the “Philippine Deep”, which is one of the deepest portions in the Pacific Ocean, including all other oceans in the world.

Delicious Delicacies

Surigao Landmarks

Surigao City Hall

Surigao Cathedral
Surigao Resort
Surigao del Norte Provincial Sports Complex
Surigao City Port

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